Source code for pylaplace.pylaplace

# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
"""Class dealing with calculating generalized Laplace coefficients

Generalized Laplace coefficients can be calculated either by brute force integration (slow), hypergeometric functions (faster), or Bessel fuctions (fastest but approximate).


from __future__ import print_function

import numpy as np
import scipy.integrate as integrate
import scipy.special as sp

[docs]class LaplaceCoefficient(): """Class containing functions to calculate generalized Laplace coefficients. The generalized Laplace coefficients are defined by .. math:: b_s^m(a) = \\frac{2}{\pi}\int_0^\pi \\frac{\cos(m\phi)d\phi}{(q^2 + p^2a^2 - 2a\cos(\phi))^s} Args: method (str): way to calculate the coefficients, either 'Brute' (brute force integration, slow but exact), 'Hyper' (hypergeometric functions, faster and exact), or 'Bessel' (Bessel functions, fastest but approximate) """ def __init__(self, method='Hyper'): if (method != 'Bessel' and method != 'Hyper' and method != 'Brute'): print("Error: method should be either 'Bessel', 'Hyper', or 'Brute'") # Set functions according to method used self._calc = None self._calc_derivative = None if method == 'Bessel': self._calc = self._laplace_bessel self._calc_derivative = self._laplace_derivative_bessel if method == 'Hyper': self._calc = self._laplace_hyper self._calc_derivative = self._laplace_derivative_hyper if method == 'Brute': self._calc = self._laplace_brute self._calc_derivative = self._laplace_derivative_brute
[docs] def __call__(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate generalized Laplace coefficient. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ return self._calc(a, s, m, p, q)
[docs] def derivative(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate derivative with respect to :math:`a` of generalized Laplace coefficient. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ return self._calc_derivative(a, s, m, p, q)
def _laplace_brute(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate generalized Laplace coefficient by brute force integration. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ f = lambda x: np.cos(m*x)*np.power(p*p*a*a - 2.0*a*np.cos(x) + q*q, -s) res = integrate.quad(f, 0, np.pi, limit=100) ret = 2.0*res[0]/np.pi return ret def _laplace_derivative_brute(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate derivative of generalized Laplace coefficient by brute force integration. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ f = lambda x: -2.0*s*np.cos(m*x)* \ np.power(p*p*a*a - 2.0*a*np.cos(x) + q*q, -s-1.0)*(p*p*a - np.cos(x)) res = integrate.quad(f, 0, np.pi, limit=100) ret = 2.0*res[0]/np.pi return ret def _laplace_bessel(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate generalized Laplace coefficient using Bessel functions. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ K =, m*np.sqrt((q*q + p*p*a*a - 2.0*a)/a)) return 2.0*K/(np.pi*np.sqrt(a)) def _laplace_derivative_bessel(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate derivative of generalized Laplace coefficient using Bessel functions. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ K =, m*np.sqrt((q*q + p*p*a*a - 2.0*a)/a)) dxda = 0.5*m*(p*p*a*a - q*q)/(a*a)/np.sqrt((q*q + p*p*a*a - 2.0*a)/a) ret = -0.5*self._laplace_bessel(a, s, m, p, q)/a - \ 2.0*K*dxda/(np.pi*np.sqrt(a)) return ret def _laplace_hyper(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate generalized Laplace coefficient using hypergeometric functions. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ ia = 1.0/(a + 1.0e-30) b = self._beta(a, p ,q) F = sp.hyp2f1(s, m + s, m + 1, b*b) if np.isnan(F): return self._laplace_brute(a, s, m, p, q) return 2.0*sp.binom(-s, m)*np.power(b, m)*np.power(b*ia, s)*F def _laplace_derivative_hyper(self, a, s, m, p, q): """Calculate derivative of generalized Laplace coefficient using hypergeometric functions. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity s (float): power to which denominator is raised m (float): numerator of integrant is :math:`\cos(m\phi)` p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ b = self._beta(a, p ,q) dbda = self._dbeta(a, p, q) ia = 1.0/(a + 1.0e-30) ib = 1.0/(b + 1.0e-30) dF = s*(m+s)*sp.hyp2f1(s + 1, m + s + 1, m + 2, b*b)/(m + 1.0) F = self._laplace_hyper(a, s, m, p, q) if (np.isnan(F) or np.isnan(dF)): return self._laplace_derivative_brute(a, s, m, p, q) return (((m+s)*ib*dbda - s*ia)*F + 4.0*np.power(b, m+1)*np.power(b*ia, s)*sp.binom(-s, m)*dF*dbda) def _beta(self, a, p, q): """Helper function for hypergeometric method. Calculate beta, which is the square root of the required argument of the hypergeometric function. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ ia = 1.0/(a + 1.0e-30) return 0.5*ia*(q*q + p*p*a*a - np.sqrt((q*q + 2.0*a + p*p*a*a)*(q*q - 2.0*a + p*p*a*a))) def _dbeta(self, a, p, q): """Helper function for hypergeometric method. Calculate the derivative of beta, where beta is the square root of the required argument of the hypergeometric function. Args: a (float): radius-like coordinate, must be smaller than unity p (float): factor multiplying :math:`a^2` in denominator q (float): constant term in denominator """ ia = 1.0/(a + 1.0e-30) sq = np.sqrt((q*q + 2.0*a + p*p*a*a)*(q*q - 2.0*a + p*p*a*a)) b = 0.5*ia*(q*q + p*p*a*a - sq) return p*p - b*ia - ((q*q + p*p*a*a)*p*p - 2.0)/sq